Saturday, 29 October 2011

Michael Lohan in Court -- Lots of Crying, Yelling

Filed under: Michael Lohan, Celebrity Justice

michael lohan denied bond
Michael Lohan was true to form when he appeared in court today, making crazy excuses that an angry judge didn't buy ... so Michael's gonna stay in jail for a while.

Michael -- who allegedly violated a restraining order and then tried to escape cops and falling four stories -- spoke to the judge from the jail on a monitor. Michael, who was in a wheelchair and handcuffs (see above), had his lawyer explain there are three reasons why Mr. Lohan needed his freedom:

1.  He's got some TV shoot with Dr. Drew
2.  Lindsay's hearing is coming up on Wednesday
3.  He's got an upcoming celebrity boxing match with Tareq Salahi.

Surprise -- the judge wasn't moved, but was VERY upset at M.L.

Kate Major testified against Michael (see the video), crying as she told the judge about Michael's incessant calling.

Michael is being held without bail.




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